Tuesday, December 1, 2009

On Sunday I went to Thurles to watch Newtown play Ballygunner in the munster senior hurling final. It was a brilliant match. It was freezing though I had to waer three pairs of socks and 4 layers of clothing and I was still cold! Newtown played very well in the first half but then we thought they were going to lose and it was very close in the end they only won by two points. I think everyone was shocked they actually won it because they didn't seem over excited about the whole thing. They're not playing again now until February when they will be playing some team from Kilkenny that I can remember the name of in the All-Ireland Semi final.

We went to Newtown then that night for a while but I was in bed for 12 because I had a database exam Monday morning. I left for Cork at half 8 and it usually takes an hour to get to Cork but it took me 3 whole hours! The roads were icy and there was loads of traffic. It took me an hour to get to Mallow, 20 minutes to get through Mallow and over an hour then to get to Cork. It was horrible! And surprise surprise I missed my exam. I'd love to have done it because I actually thought it wasn't hard but these things happen and I can repeat it on Tuesday so it's not too bad.

This week is our last proper week in college and it's really stressful. We've three projects to hand up and none of them are finished yet. I'm not a person who leaves things until the last minute but we just have so much to do this year you really don't get time to do everything. We've an excel this evening too and I'd say it will be fairly tough but it's only 30% so it's not the end of the world if we do badly in it.

We got our exam timetable last week and it's kinda horrible. We have two exams on a saturday and four in total before Christmas. I'd prefer if they were spread out after Christmas but at least this year I'm guaranteed to not have an exam on my birthday. Last year I had Law on my birthday it was so unfair.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

RIP Patch xxx

I had a very sad week this week. On monday my dog of 12 years Patch died. He was old and we were waiting for him to go but it was still a big shock so I decided to write a bit about my dog Patch in this blog.

He was my last childhood dog. Patch was a dalmatian and the cutest one in the whole world. We shared the same birthday we were both born on the 5th of January. He was the coolest dog ever. his real name was Dún Peter Prince but we called him Patch because he had a patch on his eye. When he moaned it sounded like a growl. It was funny when people who didn't know him paid him attention because when he moaned they thought he was growling. He had a heart condition and was only expected to live about eight years but he defied the odds. He suffered seperation anxiety so we had to give him lots of attention.

My favourite memory of Patch is when he got too old to stay outside we kept him inside because he kept going down to the road and we didn't want him to get knocked down because he couldn't hear the cars anymore. Every morning he used come cryng to my door and he'd scrape until I opened it. Then he'd go over to my window and stick his head through the curtains ad turn a full circle just to make sure the light got in my eyes. Then he'd start at one side of my bed and scratch his back along it. When he was finished that he put his head on the bed beside me and stared at me and then he took a step back and barked really loudly. Then when I ws having breakfast he'd sit down beside me and wait for me to finish my cereal so he could get the leftover milk. Then he'd follow me everywhere for the day.

He got a heart attack monday morning and died an hour later. It was really sad because he was like a little brother that never grew up. We treated him like royalty. He always got everything he wanted. He definately had the best life a dog could have.

Here are a few pictures of my dog Patch.

RIP Patch xxx

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I almost forgot to write a blog for this week. Oops!

Well friday I barely got home because of the flooding. It was a very bad day for me. The only way home was through the tunnel and I didn't have a clue where to go after I came out of the tunnel because I never drove the road before. Luckily Dad gave me great directions so I found my way. I kept changing lanes after I passed the Silver Springs cos a new lane would appear to the left of me and have an arrow to go straight on so I'd go in that lane thinking all the traffic might be turning right but then the lanes that kept appearing would end and I'd go back into the right lane. I skipped alot of traffic though so it only took me an hour to get out of the city. Not bad considering all the traffic.

A RETARD of a learner driver nearly killed me to on my way home then! I was in a lane and the stupid learner driver in their stupid micra was two lanes away from me and I was just about to pass when it turned on it's indicator and just swerved from 2 lanes away right in front of me! Any competent driver would have waited til I passed but they just drove in right in front of me and I nearly hit the foopath and their banger of a car! I swear to god learner drivers just shouldn't be allowed drive on their own. Their a serious hazard! Their worse than drink drivers! Well learners drives wh can actually drive properly are grand but not the ones who don't even how to change lanes! It's not that hard like!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My sister came home this weekend. We went to Killarney saturday to go shopping and she really wrecked my head. It was like I was the boyfriend and she was the girlfriend. She'd try on clothes and if they didn't fit she'd get dressed, come out of the dressing room and pick up the same clothes all over again except in a different size! I don't know why I bother going shopping with her. Then sunday she went back to England so I have a lovely quiet house now again.
It's my moms birthday Thursday so we went out for a family meal saturday night. It was only an alright meal I've had better. And I decided I HATE PRAWNS!!! They've got little faces and legs and taste like rubber. We got mom pissed it was funny! She never gets drunk. She regretted it the next day.

Last sunday I went to the Junior B Avondu final in Mallow between Netown and Kilshannig. It was very funny. Newtown didn't seem to care bout the match and did some hilarious tackles! Then they lost so it was kinda sad. After the match we were starving so we went into Mallow for food. It's very disappointing that they don't have proper food in Mallow pitch. Then we came back and watched the Newtown seniors play in the league semi final against Erins Own. I must say the skill was slightly better than the first match. Newtown were losing at half time cos they were saving their good players for the championship. But cos they were losing they had no choice but to bring on Cathal Naughton. Within 18 seconds of coming on Newtown got a goal. Aren't they so great.

Next Sunday I'm going to the club senior hurling munster semi final in Pairc Ui Chaoimh. Newtown are playing Adare. It should be a good match can't wait for it!

I was absolutely freezing at the match my toe-toes were numb and everything. So next Sunday I'll remember to bring my hat, scarf, gloves and leg warmers! And two pairs of socks!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

On Sunday I went to the Newtown match in Thurles. It was brilliant! They played Thurles Sars in the senior club munster quarter final. It looked like Thurles were going to win at the start cos they got an early goal but Newtown are clearly the better team. They showd their true colours and won by a point. Go Newtown!!! They're playing again Sunday week against Adare in Pairc Ui Chaiomh in the semi final so hopefully they will win that too.

Up Newtown!

That was so uncalled for!

HaHa LOSER!!!!

So anyway, college is getting a bit stressful. We've so many projects to do and so little time to do them! On the bright side though we have only 4 weeks of proper college left this year! Then we've a week off and then we have exams. :-( And then it's Christmas! :-) And my birthday!!!

Amanda, Shiv and me went to Isabels last night to do our web project. We're creating a website to publish on the internet. I can't say what it's about because it's all top secret at the moment! It's gonna be brill though. We got alot done. We did our site map which we have to have done for this Friday and got loads more done too. I also got to download the trial of microsoft project! It's so handy to have. It took me ages to get it downloading though because my laptop is retarded and pauses for no reason (I hate Acers) and the internet wouldn't speed up for ages. But eventually it got going and the connection was really fast. I love broadband! Pity we don't have it in Edenhall or at home cos I live on a hill under another hill! It's not as bad as it sounds we just can't get broadband in the highest village in Ireland! The one good thing about living there is we never get flooded. And we're always guaranteed snow in the winter and then we get practically house bound!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Nightmare Realm

I went to the Nightmare Realm in Tralee last thursday night with my brother, his girlfriend and their friend. It was brilliant! I was terrified going in but it wasn't as bad as I'd heard (no pig heads or falling floors). They had a gone off trout which was horrible we smelt of fish all night after it! The rest was really cool though. There was a doctor with a seriously sick looking baby n he kept saying "you like my baby" n tried 2 make us kiss it. There were walls closing in on us, chainsaws and crawl through mazes. I never clung to my brother so much in my life! I'd really recommend going there though its so cool and scarey!! It was absolutely brilliant!

The Maneater!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Drawing Maize!

I had a really fun weekend. I went drawing maize with my boyfriend! I wasn't left drive the tractor but it was still fun. We were drawing from the maize fields in Mallow all the way to Mountcollins. It was a 2 hour draw one way and the road was really bumpy and bendy and hilly and if we didn't have the John Deere 6910 we'd never have made it up those hills! It was really scarey though it was like a rollercoaster!

<-----This is what maize looks like
(It's corn on the cob!)

Then it started raining and the field got very mucky and then another tractor got stuck n then they burst a tyre but then we burst a tyre so it wasn't that funny! We were waiting for ages to get it fixed and it was so boring!!! It was a great weekend though I might go do it again next weekend!

These are cows eating maize! It's rocket fuel for milking!!! HaHa

Monday, October 12, 2009

Newtown for d county!

Newtown won the county yesterday!!! It was great. The final score was 3-22 Newtown to Sarfields 1-12. Brilliant match n even better night!! I learned something very interesting last night too. Garda cars have red lights as well as blue lights on their cars now. N i also learned that it is impossible to get a taxi from Newtown on a Sunday night!!! Didn't get 2 bed til after 4 n im really tired today but I still have the dedication to write on my blog n come 2 college! Go me! :-)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It was careers day in CIT yesterday. Thought a load of companies would have job placement offers but none of them did. No one wants to take on undergraduates anymore. Its quite depressing. :-( Wonder if we'll ever find job placement... The Recession sucks!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


So we're going to have to vote again on October 2nd because we didn't vote Yes the last time. It's hard to decide whether we should bother voting again or if we should just say yes so we can we can get on with our lives. I still can't find anywhere to convince me fully to vote yes. All the campaign posters can tell me is "Yes to Europe, Yes to Jobs" and bringing down the minimum wage is a load of lies. All they can tell us is what Lisbon is NOT going to do for us. If we know what's it's NOT going to do then why vote yes?! If we vote no it will still NOT do the same things for us!

On the other hand I think if Fine Gael and Labour are actually joining forces with Fine Fail and The Greens to campaign a Yes vote then this Treaty must have something good to do for Ireland. I am still waiting to be fully convinced though...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Saw the ladies football final yesterday! It was a close one!